Saturday, December 12, 2009


Charlie and I were driving around looking for something cool to shoot when off on the horizon we saw a light blooming. It was the moon. While the mud we trucked through made it a very dirty experience, it was also a valuable learning experience for me.

Here are two shots I managed to snag of the rising moon.


Shooting for the Tech ImPRESSions magazine, I had to set up a shot that allowed me to photograph 5 people in the tiny studio we had. Justin was there for me to test lighting on so I didn't have to do much work when my models arrived. Needless to say, he enjoyed himself and this is the result.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The Kiss

“The kiss did not start with civilization, it started with life. No human being did, or could, escape this moment natural instinct, need, and pleasure of the kiss – yet a pleasure, partly and justly, even narcissistic. Nothing is more natural, ageless, and important than the kiss. Breathing, eating, we must do to stay alive… but the kiss is more. It gives and creates life.”

– Arthur Spitzer

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


The other day when it decided to ice over, I managed to snag a couple of shots. I love the way ice hangs on trees. Beautiful yet dangerous.

Texas Tech Mass Communications Showcase

I entered the Mass Communications Showcase and ended up winning First Place AND Best of Show for Digital Photography. I entered 10 photographs and they were judged as a whole. What set my work apart from all of the other submissions was the variety of photos I included in my entry. The following are my submissions. Enjoy.


An Amarillo Sunset
Local Musicians at the Blue Light in Depot District
Love Bugs
AJ Dickman asked for some "Professional" looking photos
One of my Grandfathers gifts to me
Where Have All The Pretty Black Models Gone?
Enter if you Dare
Cullen Rudine
Mescalero Sands, New Mexico
Mescalero Sands, New Mexico sand dune

Sunday, December 6, 2009


For Wyman's class we were given the assignment to shoot contrast of the Caprock. I can definitely tell you that I have fallen more in love with the sunsets here than anywhere else I have been.

These two shots came from my visit to Muleshoe, Texas. I plan on taking another trip out there to do some more exploring since I ran out of time and good ambient light.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Collection on the Underside

Collection on the Underside (11.8.09)

The vibrant hues of washable paint,
an explosion of Crayola art supplies
were adorned in a way any artist would be proud of
on the worn underside of the chuck;
whose recent collection of
sticky Bubble Yum bubble gum that caught with every step
and thick mesquite desert thorns
had already faded away and been forgotten
from the miles of walked adventure
the owner of the shoes had made
on the wide expanse of the Llano Estacado.