Sunday, May 16, 2010

Junction Day 4

Today was a very relaxing day.

We woke up and got ready in time for lunch at La Familia, a Mexican food restaurant. The food was great. I had chicken enchiladas and a salad, but the salad looked more like a pile of chopped lettuce that you garnish your taco with than an actual salad. Pretty disappointing. Enchiladas were great though.

We got our first roll of film in today, which was awesome! I shot two rolls. The first one I started looking at really confused me though. The first couple of images looked like mine, but after that, the film was definitely not mine. I started asking people in the class if they had any film that wasn't theirs, nobody answered. Brent came in and looked at the film and said it looked like stuff that was shot from last year. I was totally confused and then it hit me. Lynsey. I was borrowing Lynsey's film camera for this trip and she had a roll still in the camera with 7 exposures left. Duh, Alison! So, Lynsey your film looks good and I'll give it to you when I give you back your camera and tripod. <3

Afterward we all went and did laundry. Mason Mountain got us all pretty dirty. Wild Dave and I shared a washer and dryer to save time and money. I got some good book reading in then.

One thing I've been having trouble out here is finding time to spend alone. I love everyone out here, and they are great people, but after work and then finals and then packing and getting everything ready and going straight to Junction for 15 days is a little hard on my mental health. Escaping into the world of my book was beautiful, but it's not enough. I need a bit more and I feel myself growing crazy as the days tick by. It's so hard, but I push the feeling away. I'm just scared of snapping while I'm out here.

Dinner was served on campus - Enchiladas. Most of us, sick and tired of Mexican food, opted for salads.

We ran up to Tye Church again tonight because the weather was so much better. Didn't rain a drop! Wyman painted the church again and I shot both digital and film again, different angles this time. The sky was gorgeous too!

After the sun went down, we all had a bit of fun with headlamps and glowsticks. This shot is one of Brent and Jason. Their personalities are just so fitting....

Just as an FYI to those of you who are actually reading my blog, tomorrow I am headed up to Dolan Falls and Independence Creek for a 5 day trip. For those 5 days I'll be without internet and phone service. But do not worry! I'll keep word documents and as soon as I get back I'll bombard blogger with posts and photos.

Also, I have no editing software right now, so you are seeing the unedited versions of these images. I hate it, yet at the same time, I think it shows you that I really am a good photographer and don't rely completely on Photoshop to "fix" my photos. =P (That is a rant for a later date!)

See you all in 5 days.

1 comment:

  1. Take care out there. It is already seeming magical.
